Hi folks,

You are perhaps aware that we have some more out of copyright mapping
available (for the UK) and that the set-up on the new dev box will permit
other out of copyright map series (extensive areas rather than individual
maps) to be tiled and uploaded similarly.

There is one small fly in the ointment currently in that TimSC's WMS code
(php) is currently set up to work just off z14 tiles. For the 1:25,000 scale
mapping I've been uploading I'm creating z15 and z16 tiles. These work fine
in potlatch but because the z14 tiles are being used for the WMS, JOSM users
are missing out on all the lovely detail. There is also the wish to get the
code using the various zoom tiles appropriately across the range as each map
series is likely to have a different zoom range available.

TimSC is tight for time to look at this but happy to answer questions, so we
are looking for anyone else who fancies a challenge to get these great new
map tiles available for JOSM users (and other map series as they come

The WMS code is available on dev via svn at: sites/ooc.openstreetmap.org/wms



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