On 12/11/09 17:37, Lars Francke wrote:

>> There is a dump, but it's a mysql dump so not easily readable. There may be
>> a planet around somewhere as well but I don't think it will be synchronised
>> to the actual shutdown time or have any history.
> If you'd be willing to share the mysql dump (I of course wouldn't need
> user- or any other sensitive data) I'd try my best. It can't hurt.
> Planet won't be as useful because the history is missing.

The problem is we'll have to load the dump into mysql to remove the 
sensitive data...

> For the main (current_*) tables, yes. But not for the history tables.
> I have no estimate how may versions there are .I could count the
> current versions from all elements but if you have a number that'd be
> great.

Approximate row counts;

nodes - 860 million
ways - 72 million
relations - 1.4 million

> The statements will look something like this:
> 1)
> SELECT n.id, n.version, n.timestamp, n.changeset_id, c.user_id,
> n.visible, n.latitude, n.longitude
> FROM nodes n
> JOIN changesets c ON n.changeset_id=c.id
> ORDER BY n.id, n.version
> 2) SELECT id, version, k, v FROM node_tags ORDER BY id, version, k
> Perhaps you could just check them?

They should be fine - the sort means they will take a while to start 
returning data but they're not doing anything silly.


Tom Hughes (t...@compton.nu)

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