Please tell me if I'm replicating any initiative or doing something the
wrong or a not-so-good way.

I've started this week from an EBS backed (or "boot")  Ubuntu 8.04 image
I agree to give the .pem file for ssh connection to an instance to anyone
willing to collaborate.

My idea is to provide an EC2 EBS image with rails port(done) + tile
rendering setup(started) + rails port->tile rendering sync scripts(todo) +
easy config scripts (why not triggerable on startup with JSON config ala
tilecache.org) (todo, not sure I'll have time to it).
The list of commands to install is very long. I note down all the commands I
type so as to be able to one or more bash scripts to be able to reinstall a
similar solution on an Ubuntu N.NN later (by assuming that commands/package
names for 8.04 are similar to those for 9.04 etc..). Maybe I'll have 3 bash
scripts such as : install_railsport_u804.sh, install_mapnik_u804.sh,
install_railsport_mapnik_sync.sh. And I'd need other scripts to go along :
setup_rails_port_u804.sh, setup_mapnik_u804.sh and
What do you think of this ?

A recall on the requirements (reply to change them if you'd like to
collaborate or request something):
- postgres+osmosis+rails port (with 3 dbs : development, testing and
production) : filled with nothing for now. setup_rails_port_u804.sh would
have a simple calling syntax like :
       sudo setup_rails_port_u804.sh [--bz2url=
[--forceResetDB (false if omitted)]
[--guessDBLoginPassFromRailsConfig (default is true)]
- mapnik tile rendering setup. I want to have a simple script to insert a
bz2 + tell to use some style sheets + to tell to render at z=N (max zoom)
- cron'able synced file making the Mapnik setup be filled with the Rails
ports's data. I plan to get inspiration from the myanmar scripts for this.

I'm sorry to repeat this, though, please reply if you know of some linux
image (on EC2 or not) hanging somewhere which almost does what I'm trying to
achieve and that image is easy to redeploy (ex : .iso or vmware/virtual bos
EC2 ami).


On Sun, Dec 20, 2009 at 6:20 PM, Jonathan-David SCHRODER <
jonathan.schro...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I'd like to create a platform like opencyclemap.org for indoor stuff
> easily, and more on more people on the Internet
> seem to want to setup their own openstreetmap server.
> Some tutorials exist describing the steps to obtain an OSM DB with data in
> it + a first Mapnik rendering :
> http://weait.com/content/build-your-own-openstreetmap-server
> Now what I would sincerely like is a quick and easy solution providing me
> an openstreetmap server distribution/image that :
> - ships on liveCD / CD / DVD or not but preferably for me as an AMI (Amazon
> Machine Image)
> - has :
>     - an OSM psgql db setup with [SomeGeoData]
>     - a mapnik or other renderer
>     - an HTTP Rails port so as to have something like osm.org's
> slippymap+potlatch+HTTP API (at least TMS tiling API for tiles streaming and
> v0.6 features filtering API for POIs search and display) for mobiles
> applications&OSM editors (JOSM, Merkaartor etc..)
> ...where [SomeGeoData] is a flexible set (imported/synchronized frequently
> from other sources, or stored on machine and editable by remote over HTTP
> with a JOSM-like editor) of :
>     -  layers (containing features that will be drawn but "not-clickable"),
>     - POIs (clickable features),
>     - interchangeable GeoStyleSheets or "how map should be drawn"-rules
> ... and that [SomeGeoData]'s flexible set of layers, POIs, stylesheets is
> remotely editable through a web interface, an HTTP interface or some shell
> scripts to run on the host.
> As far as LiveCDs / distributions are concerned, though I've seen only a
> few (one is Fedora based :
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Ynemoy/Fedora_Geo_Spin ).
> I've experimented with tiledrawer.com for nearly a week on Amazon EC2.
> That server contains :
> - an openstreetmap "database" (postgresql + postGIS + the "primary
> interfacing" tools osm2pgsql / osmosis)
> - the TileCache python server which serves png tiles over http the TMS way*
> * this is openstreetmap.org's way of providing tiles for the Slippy Map
> one just needs to download each tile http://publicDNS/tilecache/x/y/z.png; 
> see also
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tile_Map_Service
> I need the Rails port on top of that.
> I can give free access to an amazon EC2 instance based on an Alestic Ubuntu
> EC2 image... based on TileDrawer.com's image or not.
> Who can comment on my need/request for help/proposal for collaboration ?
> Thanks in advance !
> Take care !
> Jonathan-David SCHRODER
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