2010/1/8 Jonathan-David SCHRODER <jonathan.schro...@gmail.com>

> Hello,
> Please tell me if I'm replicating any initiative or doing something the
> wrong or a not-so-good way.
> I've started this week from an EBS backed (or "boot")  Ubuntu 8.04 image
> ami-f6ad409f.
> I agree to give the .pem file for ssh connection to an instance to anyone
> willing to collaborate.
> My idea is to provide an EC2 EBS image with rails port(done) + tile
> rendering setup(started) + rails port->tile rendering sync scripts(todo) +
> easy config scripts (why not triggerable on startup with JSON config ala
> tilecache.org) (todo, not sure I'll have time to it).
> The list of commands to install is very long. I note down all the commands
> I type so as to be able to one or more bash scripts to be able to reinstall
> a similar solution on an Ubuntu N.NN later (by assuming that
> commands/package names for 8.04 are similar to those for 9.04 etc..). Maybe
> I'll have 3 bash scripts such as : install_railsport_u804.sh,
> install_mapnik_u804.sh, install_railsport_mapnik_sync.sh. And I'd need other
> scripts to go along : setup_rails_port_u804.sh, setup_mapnik_u804.sh and
> setup_rails_mapnik_sync_u804.sh...
> What do you think of this ?
> A recall on the requirements (reply to change them if you'd like to
> collaborate or request something):
> - postgres+osmosis+rails port (with 3 dbs : development, testing and
> production) : filled with nothing for now. setup_rails_port_u804.sh would
> have a simple calling syntax like :
>        sudo setup_rails_port_u804.sh [--bz2url=
> http://domain/someRegion.osm.bz2|--bz2file=/path/to/file.osm.bz2<http://domain/someRegion.osm.bz2%7C--bz2file=/path/to/file.osm.bz2>]
> [--forceResetDB (false if omitted)]
> [--dbName=development(default),other,dbs,to,make,identical,too]
> [--guessDBLoginPassFromRailsConfig (default is true)]
> - mapnik tile rendering setup. I want to have a simple script to insert a
> bz2 + tell to use some style sheets + to tell to render at z=N (max zoom)
> - cron'able synced file making the Mapnik setup be filled with the Rails
> ports's data. I plan to get inspiration from the myanmar scripts for this.
> I'm sorry to repeat this, though, please reply if you know of some linux
> image (on EC2 or not) hanging somewhere which almost does what I'm trying to
> achieve and that image is easy to redeploy (ex : .iso or vmware/virtual bos
> EC2 ami).

Well, one quick point: database performance are going to be bad. Someone is
currently trying to do something similar in one of the mailing list. Cloud
vendor are very good for serving content like a web page. They are extremely
poor for database performance. The IO is usually catastrophic.
I wouldn't expect any real good performance out of such a system especially
for rendering. I think that using cloud technology is for the moment at
least a bit pointless.

Emilie Laffray
dev mailing list

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