On Sun, Jan 17, 2010 at 11:32 PM, Frederik Ramm <frede...@remote.org> wrote:

> > number of downloads needed to find the right delta, but that's messy as
> > hell compared to how trivial it was when we had date based names.
> > The best I can come up with is trying to do a binary cut to reduce the
> The new method takes a moment to set up but after that it's even easier
> than the old.

If somebody is prepared to write a patch to the --rrii task to search for
the right state.txt file to initialise with, then go for it ;-)

While the old date based names were easy to identify, unfortunately they
don't work with replication files which are only approximately aligned with
timestamps.  Initialising the replication is a little annoying due to the
disconnect between timestamp and sequence number, but as Frederik points out
from that point on the replication mechanism is simpler.

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