On Mon, 2010-02-08 at 12:45 -0600, Ian Monroe wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 8, 2010 at 12:07 PM, Nic Roets <nro...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hello Ian,
> >
> > I have done the sums, but the rendered map it is BIG ! Furthermore, it does
> > not contain everything. (Nightclubs was just recently mentioned on talk) and
> > it does not allow searching or routing.
> >
> > You are much better off with something like Navit, or my program, Gosmore,
> > which is currently "under maintenance".
> >
> > The new version of Gosmore will have multipolygon support, 3D rendering and
> > a few other nice features.
> Well my requirement is to have a web server that has the maps.
> Basically I want my own openstreetmap.org. :)
> I do agree that being able to search is essential.
> Ian
you'll need a rackfull of servers for each copy then ;)

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