> Maybe I should just keep all the geometry objects and just set opacity=0
> on them.

It's not the geometry objects (roads, water, etc,) that you need to
preserve. They don't play a role in the collision avoidance placement

Direct your attention to any PointSymbolizer, ShieldSymbolizer and
TextSymbolizer if you want to experiment with opacity.

Some text elements might still be better in the base map. House numbers
come to mind.

Oh, and don't forget this will increase the memory consumption again. Not
as much as with 200+ complete stylesheets, since you don't need to keep
LineSymbolizer/Polygon(Pattern)Symbolizer around, but still worth to keep
an eye on.

> I'll give it a try this evening. In the meantime - do you have a link
> where you see this problem, so I can test with it?

Any moderately dense area would do, but I tested with Soho:



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