On Jul 21, 2010, at 11:04 AM, Tom Hughes wrote:

> On 21/07/10 10:01, Martijn van Exel wrote:
>> At SOTM I talked to Lars Francke about his history dump script that was run 
>> once or twice a few months ago. He said it would definitely be feasible to 
>> implement an extent parameter but that would require some significant 
>> rewriting effort. I am willing to look into this but it's in Java which is 
>> not my weapon of choice.. I would love to have a full history for a few 
>> larger areas at some point so it would make sense for me to implement this.
> Well we don't really want to be running that script lots of times for 
> different extents either - the idea would be take the dump that produces and 
> process it to produce subsets of the data as people do with the ordinary 
> planet dumps.
Are there any existing tools that could do the processing though? Would osmosis 
for example be able to extract a bbox-defined subset of the history.osm file?

Martijn van Exel +++ m...@rtijn.org
Laziness – Impatience – Hubris

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