I am trying to find the code that produces the automatic 'GPX Import
Success' email, but am struggling.  I can find the bits that displays the
number of points uploaded etc., but I am trying to find the code to produce
the URL to view the trace - I just want to encode it so that it can handle
the space in my user name, because the URL appears like this for me:

loaded successfully with 432 out of a possible 432 points.

You can view the trace here:

 http://www.openstreetmap.org/user/Graham Jones/traces/1088549

- I think I need to add a %20 to the URL to make it work, so should be easy
to fix.   The only thing is that after checking out the rails port code, I
can not even find the "You can view the trace here:" text, never mind the
code to generate the URL.   I suspect I am finding the web page generation
code, not the email generation code....

Can someone point me the right direction please?


Graham Jones
Hartlepool, UK.
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