I would love to monitor such discussion and contribute if I think I have something to offer. Will such discussion be here on the [OSM-dev} or elsewhere?

I currently use the freely available CoralCDN (http://www.coralcdn.org/) to distribute updates to my APRSISCE/32 APRS client software (http://aprsisce.wikidot.com/), but have mixed results (like only about 50% success, but every cached delivery saves my original bandwidth). Thankfully I built in a direct backup link that picks up the slack from the failures.

Theoretically the CoralCDN could be used for distributing OSM tiles by simply suffixing the domain with ".nyud.net", but I have not tried this yet. There would be little to no intelligence brought to bear on how long individual tiles would be cached vs flushed and/or whether mixed-revision tiles would be present in and delivered from the cache, not to mention that I don't think the CoralCDN passes through the original User-Agent either.

Lynn (D) - KJ4ERJ - Author of APRSISCE for Windows Mobile and Win32

On 12/30/2011 12:10 PM, Stefan de Konink wrote:
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The basic outline;

- - People seem to love using tile.openstreetmap.org for any of their apps
- - Apps get blocked for various reasons, contributing back is difficult
- - OpenStreetMap wants to be the leading provider of such data

I would propose a small working group to outline what should happen to
facilitate the creation of a Content Delivery Network (CDN) serving
the basic tiles, and allow easy contribution this network. This should
produce a prototype of at least 3 servers.

Questions such as: quality, update frequency, traffic shaping,
geographical balancing and high availability could be part of this
working group.

I would like to invite anyone to participate, especially:
  - people that already have their own tileservers running, and/or
    are currently balancing traffic;
  - business folks: what could be a motivation and what can be a
    cutback in for example attribution,
  - users of for example openlayers, etc. what kind of caching can
    be applied, and if this should be configurable client side

Participation can announced in private or on list.

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