We can provide rack space and bandwidth for at least one server here in
Berlin. We also have some servers we can contribute to the project but
they are not that powerful.

The major problem are low zoom level tiles which are rendered adhoc. We
can't solve this problem with tile caches as far as I know. Should every
node in the CDN be able to render tiles? Is there some kind of global
render cluster where caching nodes connect to? How do we keep the
data/database for rendering in sync?

Do we offer different tile styles?

Is CDN usage free of charge?

On Fri, 2011-12-30 at 18:10 +0100, Stefan de Konink wrote:
> Hash: SHA512
> The basic outline;
> - - People seem to love using tile.openstreetmap.org for any of their apps
> - - Apps get blocked for various reasons, contributing back is difficult
> - - OpenStreetMap wants to be the leading provider of such data
> I would propose a small working group to outline what should happen to
> facilitate the creation of a Content Delivery Network (CDN) serving
> the basic tiles, and allow easy contribution this network. This should
> produce a prototype of at least 3 servers.
> Questions such as: quality, update frequency, traffic shaping,
> geographical balancing and high availability could be part of this
> working group.

We should define in addition some requirements for servers participating
in the network like:

* Availability
 * Server
 * Network
* min. Bandwidth
* min. RAM/DISK space
* max. access time
* root-access for admins of the CDN

> I would like to invite anyone to participate, especially:
>  - people that already have their own tileservers running, and/or
>    are currently balancing traffic;
>  - business folks: what could be a motivation and what can be a
>    cutback in for example attribution,
>  - users of for example openlayers, etc. what kind of caching can
>    be applied, and if this should be configurable client side
> Participation can announced in private or on list.
> Stefan
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