
2012-03-07 Andre Joost wrote:
> This is a point which breaks the idea:
> If *they* want to be responsible for the data and making updates, no other
> user should have access to it.

  True. But this would be PART of the data they provide. And that part
would barely be interesting to the rest of OSM community (both in
terms of filling/taking care of the data and using it). To rephrase
this: they do not want to HIDE some data (they are actually happy with
adding that data directly to OSM), just some data is NOT interesting
to OSM (f.e. land ownership, self-government community information,
problems with infrastructure, illegal structures etc.).

> So the only way is to add a separate layer with openlayers. Or use a WMS
> layer with OSM data in the governmental Web-GIS.

  Point is to move government GIS to OSM software stack. They would
then partly use OSM main db (where data is usable for OSM) and for
other specific data they could use their own server (DB). This would
be kind of "GIS layering".
  That is software/skills required would be the same (one stack, no
zoo). People would have to learn to use "osm" and then there would
simply be "more than one osm" :-)

  So both sides win:
  * OSM gets some additional data source (and more publicity)
  * government gets free software stack, provides better/more services
to public etc.

  The part of creating separate layers (say with mapnik) and
presenting them (say with openlayers) is clear. Uncertain part (for
me) is just the database part because I only have a general
understanding of what would be required (I guess database and
"something" which gives API to access that database from JOSM/Mapnik

  Therefore my question is: where can I get more information about
creating "own" database/api and setting up all infrastructure around
it (f.e. authorisation, editors etc.). Or if there is any other
approach of achieving this goal of "GIS layers"?

  Thank you

Tomas Straupis

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