This is a great writeup, Kai. I hope you throw it on the wiki or something.

I'll throw in my 2 cents: The OSM US tile server has a worldwide osm2pgsql
database set up for experimental rendering. It has almost no tile rendering
load (because it's not really doing anything notable yet) and I had it
updating every 2 hours before the diff location changed. It has four 600GB
WD Velociraptor disks in a RAID10 set up and was usually able to catch up
those 2 hours in 15-30 minutes.

On Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 8:39 PM, Kai Krueger <> wrote:

> There are two main components to the storage system of a tile server,
> each of which can have different requirements depending on the
> circumstances
> 1) Tile storage cache
> For the tile storage usually one needs quite a bit of space, but
> performance isn't quite as critical. For a general purpose world wide
> map you will likely need somewhere on the order of above 600 GB. The
> full world wide tile set is considerably larger than that, but rendering
> on the fly of e.g. z18 ocean tiles is usually possible without too much
> problems. I don't know the exact scaling, but it seems like above
> somewhere between 300 - 600 GB the cache hit rate only increases slowly
> with size of the cache.
> Performance wise, it appears like 1000 tiles/s will generate somewhere
> on the order of 300 - 500 iops on the disk system, although that
> obviously depends on the size of ram of the server and the distribution
> of areas served. This is a level of performance that you can probably
> get out a raid array of a few sata disks. The performance requirement on
> this part of the disks likely scale fairly straightforward with the
> number of tiles served per second. Adding a reverse proxy in front of
> the tile server can also help reasonably to distribute load for tile
> serving. For most tile servers I have seen so far tile serving hasn't
> really been much of an issue, but in the order above 1000 Tiles/s you
> probably do need to consider it as well.
> 2) Rendering database
> The rendering database is where for most people the disk performance
> bottlenecks are. For the full planet, the postgis database with indexes
> is around 300 - 400GB in size. This is as others have pointed out where
> some people use SSDs for. Quite a bit of performance is consumed in
> keeping the database up to date with minutely diffs from OSM. This
> performance does not depend at all on how many tiles you serve, but only
> the rate of editing in OSM. From what I have seen (and other might
> correct me), a 2 - 4 disk sata raid array might not be able to keep up
> with edits during absolute peak editing times (e.g. Sunday afternoon
> European time), but should catch back up during the night. On top of
> that is the actual rendering of tiles. As typically one doesn't
> re-render tiles in advance (other than low zoom tiles), but only once
> they are actually viewed. Rendering performance does to some degree
> depend on the tile serving performance. If it doesn't matter how up to
> date rendered tiles are, rendering requests can be queued and rendered
> during quiet periods, which considerably reduces the performance
> requirements on the database.
> So overall whether you need an SSD for the database mostly depends on
> how up-to-date you want to me with respect to OSM edits. If you want to
> be in the order of minutes behind OSM, you probably will need an SSD.
> Given that a fast update is important for mappers as reward for their
> work, the SSD in osm's tile server has been a big win. If daily updates
> or less are fine, then you might not need one. Once you get down to
> monthly updates, you are likely best not using an "updateable database"
> but do full reimports, the size of the database reduces typically to
> less than half the size.
> It also depends on how spatially distributed your requests are. If e.g.
> your site has a "bunch of locations" around which it displays local
> maps. I.e. the same locations are shown over and over again, the
> rendering load is much less than if you offer "Downloading country wide
> tiles for offline use in a mobile app" even with the same amount of
> serving load.
> If you don't need a world wide map, then hardware requirements also
> considerably reduce and once you get down to only e.g. a country like
> e.g. Italy or the UK, you possibly don't really have to worry about the
> database anymore at all, as any modern hardware is probably sufficient.
> Kai
> On 04/12/2012 03:53 PM, Paul Norman wrote:
> > I believe the SSD is used for the database. Before the SSD the DB was on
> > the RAID10 array. I’m not sure four 300 GB 10k RPM drives are much
> > cheaper than a SSD.
> >
> >
> >
> > You might find looking through munin for yevaud helpful -
> >
> >
> > The SSD is sdd according to the wiki.
> >
> >
> >
> > How many tiles do you expect each map view to generate? I’d expect at
> > least 50-100. This would give you an average of 200-500 requests/second.
> > Just for comparison, the caches in front of yevaud peak at about 3.5k
> > requests/second
> >
> >
> >
> > *From:*John Perrin []
> > *Sent:* Thursday, April 12, 2012 2:34 PM
> > *To:*
> > *Subject:* [OSM-dev] Yevaud SSD Drive
> >
> >
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> >
> >
> > I've posted this question on the OSM Q & A site a well, not sure what
> > the best forum for the question is, so please forgive the dual post if
> > you also follow that site.
> >
> >
> >
> > Basically, I was just inquiring into the specific need for the SSD drive
> > on the yevaud tile server.  I'm looking to run an OSM tile server that
> > can handle roughly 200,000 - 400,000 map views a day and have taken this
> > as a good benchmark for the server spec.  However the SSD is half the
> > cost of reproducing a server with that spec.  I was just wondering
> > exactly what the disk was used for, and why is specifically needed the
> > SSD drive. I can see the purchase logged in the server upgrade history,
> > but I can't see any reason explaining why it was needed.
> >
> >
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> >
> >
> > John
> >
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