On 4 September 2012 15:48, Stéphane Henriod <s...@henriod.info> wrote:

> Hi Brett
> Is this problem only for the daily diffs, or also for the minutes and
> hours? I am trying to get the minutely diffs working and get some strange
> error messages "*Unable to read the changeset file on the server*"

It was only daily diffs.  But the problem with the daily diffs wouldn't
have caused the error you are seeing.

> Actually, I can't even make a wget on the files in the minute-replicate:
> wget
>> http://planet.openstreetmap.org/redaction-period/minute-replicate/state.txt
> very often (but not always) returns
> --2012-09-04 07:46:21--
>> http://planet.openstreetmap.org/redaction-period/minute
>> -replicate/state.txt
>> Resolving planet.openstreetmap.org...
>> Connecting to planet.openstreetmap.org||:80... failed:
>> Connection r
>> efused.
> whereas
> wget
>> http://planet.openstreetmap.org/redaction-period/hour-replicate/state.txt
> systematically downloads the file properly.

I can't explain this, but it sounds like a networking issue of some kind.
It has nothing to do with Osmosis itself.  The data is served through a
standard web server.

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