On 11 October 2012 14:49, Alex Barth <a...@mapbox.com> wrote:

> Thanks so much for the history lesson :) It provided exactly the context I 
> was looking for.

I think this is an important point - with a surge of interest in OSM
development (not just from the Mapbox guys) it's important that we all
work together at bringing each other up to speed - even if that feels
to some people like re-hashing old discussions and going over old
ground. The chances of the wiki having all the details is almost as
remote as the chances of the docs being up-to-date.

If anyone has questions on any of the "why does X do Y and not Z"
format, please do ask! There's usually some sort of a  reason,
although often it's just (to quote TomH) "hysterical raisins"[1].


[1] That's a play on "historical reasons" for those who don't know,
and generally means that either the reasoning has been lost in the
midsts of time, or the underlying reasoning no longer applies.

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