
On 17 May 2013 13:33, Tac Tacelosky <tac...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Can any legal experts help me out?  I'm using Google's Street View player to
> look at panoramic images that I've taken, and would now like to update the
> OSM database to reflect what I see (stores, fire hydrants, etc.)
> The Street View Player is not  explicitly spelled out in the terms of
> service:
> http://www.google.com/intl/en-US_US/help/terms_maps.html
> Obviously, we can't use Google Street Views themselves (the images) nor the
> map data, so would there be any problem using the player to make a local
> database from non-Google panoramic images?  In particular, under
> 1. Use of the Products. Google grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable
> license to access the Google Maps service, to download and use the Google
> Earth software and service, and to access the Content (as defined below)
> within the Products and according to the Terms.
> 2. Restrictions on Use. ...
> (g) use the Products to create a database of places or other local listings
> information.
> "Products" seem to refer to the map contents, not the player to view images.
> But wanted to run it by someone with more expertise before I start making
> OSM edits based on pictures I've taken being viewed in Google's Street View
> Player.
> KRPano makes a panoramic image viewer, but needs WebGL to run as HTML5,
> otherwise it uses Flash, which I'd prefer to avoid.  Any other suggestions
> on an alternative player, should it be necessary?

Nick Whitelegg's OpenTrailView
(http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OpenTrailView) had developed a
simple javascript library for browsing free panoramas but it's not as
smooth as Google's.  Writing one using either canvas of WebGL
shouldn't be too difficult.

As for Google's library, you could check the headers of the javasciprt
sources for a license information. If there's nothing there and the
Google Maps TOU say nothing (as you argument) then you can't really
assume any license other than "all rights reserved" and should ask
Google about it.


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