My .02,

Nominatim is extremely Euro (and especially British) centric in its
view of the world. While it does the job, it doesn't even do an ideal
job in the United States, which is a country that shares the same

My hope for OSM geocoding long term is for there to be greater
diversity in geocoders, such as Photon (which uses parts of Nominatim)
and Pelias, which doesn't share any code with Nominatim.

It might make a lot more sense, based on the differences not only in
language but also in addressing systems, for the Japanese community to
put their efforts into a new geocoder which specifically addresses
their needs.

- Serge

On Sun, Apr 6, 2014 at 10:42 PM, Akiko Goto
<> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have created new ticket #5150, at OpenStreetMap Trac.
> I hope someone to reply to this ticket.
> ----(content)-------------------------------------------------------------
> I have tried to geocode address in Japan using Nominatim, but it does not
> work. It only work for major city and ward. Threr is a detailed data that
> government provide. So could someone that is developping Nominatim apply
> that data for Nominatim?
> That data can be used freely. It can be download from their website. There
> is no license. They say that; "Use these data freely, but there is no
> guarantee."
> I placed sample data to my server (35MB). This is just a part of total data.
> I hope it is to be sample.
> I have already asked this question at OSM Help.
> ese-address
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Regards,
> Akiko Goto
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