
> Taginfo reports that there are more addr:block_number than
> but that might be unrelated.

"addr:blocknumber" is used in Japan, and
"addr:block_number" is used in Philippine.
(only here http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/32h)

"addr:block_number"(PH) is not documented & discussed & used in 2 month.
Hence, "addr:blocknumber"(JP) is a few used but be discussed a bit well.
(from my view...)

It may, perhaps be possible to change "addr:blocknumber"(JP) to
"addr:block_number"(PH) by telling Japanese mappers.
Your thought?

> translation of wiki documentation
OK, I'll do it :)

> Sample data with block number based scheme
I'll try to.
Maybe completeness is the key, so I'm thinking of HowTo to collect the
complete data set in my district.

2014-04-10 3:23 GMT+09:00 Sarah Hoffmann <lon...@denofr.de>:

> Hi,
> On Wed, Apr 09, 2014 at 12:52:49AM +0900, Satoshi IIDA wrote:
> > > Japanese address system
> > I made Japanese address structure for OSM, last year.
> > And got consensus between Japanese mappers. also reported in Tagging ML.
> >
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/tagging/2013-September/014816.html
> I rememeber this mail but obviously misunderstood that it is an
> finished proposal. I also cannot find much data that follows the schema.
> Taginfo reports that there are more addr:block_number than addr:blocknumber
> but that might be unrelated.
> > Documentation is written in Japanese, but certainly need more easy
> > description.
> >
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/JA:Key:addr#.E6.97.A5.E6.9C.AC.E3.81.AE.E4.BD.8F.E6.89.80.E8.A1.A8.E8.A8.98.E3.81.AB.E3.81.A4.E3.81.84.E3.81.A6
> >
> > Block structure detail (too complex, sorry)
> > http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/JA:Addresses
> It's easy enough to understand but it would be really helpful if
> you could translate the page to English. I fear that the translation
> with Google is not accurate enough.
> > Problem is the absence of address data on Japanese area.
> > As my early mail, most of admin boundary relation is broken.
> Indeed, that makes it more difficult bu I believe that many
> place nodes are already there and they are good enough to start with.
> > But if we could do so detailed search on OSM, I'm very happy to encourage
> > to collect address data on Japan :)
> I don't think it will be difficult to implement this schema in Nominatim.
> I would kindly suggest that you translate the wiki page, then, if you
> have not done that yet, enter the data for one or two of these lower
> neighbourhoods into OSM and then again send a mail to tagging@ for
> discussion (and maybe open a trac ticket for Nominatim at the same
> time, I do notmally not follow tagging@). There are some details which
> are not clear but it is probably easier to discuss on a concrete example.
> Also, there are other parts in the world that use block-based addressing
> and it would be great if the tagging can be used there as well.
> Sarah

Satoshi IIDA
mail: nyamp...@gmail.com
twitter: @nyampire
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