On Tue, Oct 13, 2015 at 12:30:54PM +0200, Gerd Petermann wrote:
> Yes, I understand how this happens, but I don't understand
> why iD doesn't prevent this action or at least warns the user.
> I am not aware of many tags which regularly contain lists,
> so I'd say it would be better to always warn or implement 
> a white list for those tags in iD.
> I am sure that it already would be a great improvement 
> if the 100 most often used tags are checked.

It should not be a blacklist but a whitelist. Most tags make
absolutely no sense with a ; in them. Today its highway
tomorrow its landuse, maxspeed, bridge, tunnel, width, height
building etc which get combined.

The very easy fix is to refuse a merge/combine when there are
different tag values on the 2 segments with a popup. The user
then can cleanup by deleting the tags on one of the segments
and then join. (This is the proceedure i use with josm aswell
as its much quicker than to go through a lenghthy list of 
multiple choices)

The more advanced solution (But probably a lot more confusing for
the user) would be some multiple-choice like in josm.

I'd prefer the first solution. Still everything is possible
but its hard to get it wrong.

Florian Lohoff                                                 f...@zz.de
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