On 15/04/16 08:27, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:

sent from a phone

Il giorno 15 apr 2016, alle ore 08:01, Oleksiy Muzalyev 
<oleksiy.muzal...@bluewin.ch> ha scritto:

I started to re-tag communication towers, which I know, as 
(man_made=mast;tower:type=communication). For example, this tower of 220 meters 
in the city of Mykolaiv is already shown on the map: 
http://osm.org/go/0izbJWLIA-?m= , and before yesterday it was a blank spot.

IMHO you should not do this, man_made=mast with the meaning that is documented 
in the wiki is a poor tag, ill defined with a definition that contradicts 
itself and that doesn't reflect the meaning of the word, and which got sneaked 
into the wiki, but never was approved or positively discussed.

I looked up the meaning of the word "mast" in the Oxford Encyclopedic Dictionary [1]. The meaning No.3 is:

tall steel structure for the aerials of a radio or TV transmitter.

In the article of the word "tower" in this dictionary there is nothing about a radio, TV, or communication.

In the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary [2]: for the word "mast" No2.

RADIO/TELEVISION 2. a tall metal pole used to support an AERIAL for radio or television signals: a television/radio mast

for the word "tower" meaning No.2
a tall, usually metal structure used for broadcasting: a radio/transmission tower.

Google search of "radio mast", "radio tower", "television mast", "television tower", etc. gives each millions of results with similar images. It seems that the words "mast" and "tower" are interchangeable. The article in English Wikipedia is called: "Radio masts and towers": https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radio_masts_and_towers


[1] ISBN 0-19-431310-7
[2] ISBN 978-0-521-88541-6

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