On 7/13/2016 2:11 AM, Sven Geggus wrote:
Hm, looks like this does not make that much sense in case of a hstore-only
database like the one I am using in the german style setup.

Yes, I designed it for the defaults. If you add hstore options any tag can be used and there's no way to indicate that a taginfo project uses all tags.It's
also not useful to say a project uses every possible tag.

One should at least pass the "nocolumn" entries to reflect, that these are
considered important tags. Not adding a column does not make them unused.

I considered adding delete, phstore, and nocolumn but decided against it.

I think the tool which will generate taginfo json should actually be
added to node-carto rarther than osm2pgsql.

I'm not adding it to osm2pgsql because it's very specialized. It's not a
tool for Mapnik styles or CartoCSS so it doesn't belong in node-carto.

Generating taginfo project JSON for a style is a much harder problem
andI don't think it's possible because tags are transformed when
turned into PostgreSQL columns, then again transformed by Mapnik layer
SQL queries, then some values can be used in the Mapnik XML or CartoCSS.[1]

I am working on generation of Taginfo project JSON for an osm2pgsql
multi-backend style[2] which is hard but might be possible.

[1]: https://github.com/gravitystorm/openstreetmap-carto/issues/961#issuecomment-56249411
[2]: https://github.com/ClearTables/ClearTables/issues/42

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