Dear openstreetmap developers,

a few days ago I started making a software project open source that I
created about a year ago.

The goal is to be able to track the charging of electrical vehicles with
info like

- where

- when

- with how much energy

the EV was charged.

For the "where" part I need access to a list of vehicle charging
stations. I tried the following options:

- wikidata

- openchargemap

- openstreetmap

- Bundesnetzagentur (germany) only

You'll find the current state of affairs described at

For integration openstreetmap I'd need some input and advice.

Currently I am looking for a java library to be useable and I found:

as well as

The second library seems to be much simpler but not as well maintained.
I have already forked it and would like to know whether it
makes sense to base my efforts on that library.

Also I would like to know how much "synchronization" has been going on
in the past between openstreetmap/openchargemap.

With the current state of affairs i could help "bulk-importing" or
"bulk-synchronizing" since I integrated with my SimpleGraph OpenSource
project which makes such API synchronizations much simpler - see

I am looking forward for your feedback.




BITPlan - smart solutions
Wolfgang Fahl
Pater-Delp-Str. 1, D-47877 Willich Schiefbahn
Tel. +49 2154 811-480, Fax +49 2154 811-481
BITPlan GmbH, Willich - HRB 6820 Krefeld, Steuer-Nr.: 10258040548, 
Geschäftsführer: Wolfgang Fahl 

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