On 2019-02-21 6:06 p.m., Anish Mangal wrote:

Is your new tileset raster or vector? I intend to go about making a base OSM tileset in vector, + high zoom regional vector tilesets. Also intend to render srtm data as contour+hillshade. I was looking at openmaptiles for the same.

I do not find vector tiles and client-side rendering suitable for archival purposes. I am confident that in 5-10 years there will be software that can display xyz tiles on current computers, and in 30-50 years PNG tiles will still be readable. I do not expect the same to be true for any of the client-side rendering libraries working with an old style.

I thought I'd reply to this email if there is a common goal here, or whether you have any thoughts on the plans outlined above. The current OSM vector tiles (low zoom) made available on the Internet-in-a-Box may be seen here - http://iiab.me/modules/en-worldmap-10/map.html

The script I have at https://github.com/pnorman/lz-prerender might be useful for you. I'm considering making pg_dump files available, which could be useful if you're using something that takes the standard osm-carto schema.

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