On 08/04/2019 19:54, Sebastiaan Couwenberg wrote:
On 4/8/19 8:11 PM, Tom Browder wrote:
I want to run my own tile server but I run Debian 9 on the server I plan to
use. All the docs I have seen so far target Ubuntu. Is there any problem
with using other Linux distros?
You can't use PPAs on Debian like those documented in switch2osm, but
you can build mod_tile from source.

Just for clarity - https://switch2osm.org/manually-building-a-tile-server-18-04-lts/ doesn't actually use any PPAs (it deliberately tries to stick to where possible to what ships by default in the (Ubuntu) OS.

It'd be great for someone to do a Debian version of those instructions (essentially, a button-by-button guide that people can follow to get a system working and hopefully also understand a bit about how it all hangs together).

However, as Yuri says, using Docker would also work if you were happy with that approach.  I wrote a diary entry a while back https://www.openstreetmap.org/user/SomeoneElse/diary/45070 that was intended to be a "new to Docker" guide for Alexander Overvoorde’s “openstreetmap-tile-server” repository (essentially "switch2osm in a can").

Best Regards,


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