On Tue, 4 Jun 2019 11:13:29 +0000 (UTC)
Sven Geggus <li...@fuchsschwanzdomain.de> wrote:

> As I am about to setup two machines for this purpose right now I
> reworked the scritps a bit. They are available here:
> https://github.com/giggls/tileserver-scripts

I'm afraid that these scripts will not work in our rendering

For more flexibility with render chains, I have created a small utility
that works with the 0.92 output and expands expiration to include
parent tiles.

It takes an osm2pgsql expiration file as input and streams the
expanded tile list to stdout in the same format.

Code is currently untested at any scale. Feel free to use in any manner
whatsoever. This is not meant as a long term fix, merely a kludge.



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