Hi Sebastiaan,

Le lun. 6 avr. 2020 à 13:39, Sebastiaan Couwenberg <sebas...@xs4all.nl> a
écrit :

> Thanks for sharing your software.
> Looking through the source I noticed some code smells like creating XML
> as strings instead of using lxml and not quoting variables used in SQL.
> flake8 also reports several issues with convert2osm.py.

Thank you for your time and these issues.
We'll certainly fix this in a next relase, at least for SQL.
Regarding Python, ogr2osm may replace it as discussed below.

> One also wonders how this compares to ogr2osm which can be used for the
> same purpose. Have you tried using that before deciding to write this?

At the time we have started to set up our implementation, ogr2osm didn't
allow to manage how connections are done.
We had need to prevent some geometries to connect and that's why additional
tags like pgsql2osm:layer exists.
Because this kind of information isn't contained in geometries actually.

As I understand how ogr2osm works (maybe mistaken), it splits geometries in
small segments and then connect them depending on overlapping nodes.
We also had a need to preserve geometries shapes.

However, that would worth a try to use ogr2osm instead of our python script
to convert data once topology produced according to 2 needs upside.

All the best

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