One of the services the Operations Working Group (OWG) runs is the
replication feed for OSM changes. This is used to broadcast changes
which are picked up by data consumers. We are running a test of new
software to power the replication feed, osmdbt (
The existing software, osmosis, relies on quirks of PostgreSQL that do
not apply to more recent versions.

We are looking to have users test this new feed for correctness to make
 sure it works with their update processes and software. To use it
 adjust your replication URL from
 to We intend
 to offer hourly and daily update streams like are provided right now.
 When using the new diffs, there are several things to be aware of

- There is no simple relationship between the old sequence numbers and
  the new ones. Use the timestamps to work out what the new sequence
  number is.
- These are experimental and we're trying to find bugs. It might be
  necessary to stop them or run other maintenance.
- The current URL is not a long-term one. It will change.

We are particularly interested in reports from people who have written
custom OSM diff fetching code, as they may find different bugs in
osmdbt or their own code that the standard software does not.

If you have questions or issues, please comment on or here.

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