On Mar 7, 2010, at 7:50 AM, Jan-Kees van Andel wrote:

> Maybe a nice addition. I'm trying to set up a reference application using
> MyFaces 2, OWB and OpenJPA 2 which I'll donate to Apache. Not sure which
> project, but I currently think MyFaces, since I'm already involved there.
> This should become an example of a real world (instead of hello world ;-))
> application using the Apache Java EE 6 stack. This is something I think is
> currently missing and for example Spring does really well.
> It should demonstrate the usage, integration and practices of using those
> three frameworks in a real world setting. It will also contain documentation
> why certain choices have been made.
> Oh, it's a secure e-banking application and will contain all main features
> of the three frameworks.
> When I have something worth showing, I'll let you all know.

Thanks Jan-Kees. Sounds great. Feel free to ping the Geronimo project (which 
will be pulling these 3 technologies together in an EE environment). So, I'm 
sure they'd be interested, also.


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