Spec section; 

3.12. @New qualified beans

Important part is :

Note that this second bean exists—and may be enabled and available for 
injection—even if the first bean is disabled,
defined by Section 5.1.2, “Enabled and disabled beans”, or if the bean class is 
deployed outside of a bean archive,
defined in Section 12.1, “Bean archives”, and is therefore not discovered 
the bean discovery process defined
Chapter 12, Packaging and deployment. The container discovers @New qualified 
beans by inspecting injection points
other enabled beans.



From: David Blevins <david.blev...@visi.com>
To: dev@openwebbeans.apache.org
Sent: Wed, August 4, 2010 1:40:22 AM
Subject: EJBUtility.fireEvents

Curious on this part of that method:


Wondering why we need to essentially add the bean twice.  Running into an issue 
as the NewBean impl uses only class information to construct the unique ID of 
the bean.  This basically puts the restriction that you cannot use the same EJB 
class twice.  In EJB-land you can definitely do that.

What is the NewBean registration for?


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