Hey guys, first time on a mailing list, please bear with me.
I was trying to test request scoped beans using meecrowave-junit, and the test kept crashing with the following exception: javax.enterprise.context.ContextNotActiveException: WebBeans context with scope type annotation @RequestScoped does not exist within current thread at org.apache.webbeans.container.BeanManagerImpl.getContext(BeanManagerImpl.java:329) at org.apache.webbeans.intercept.NormalScopedBeanInterceptorHandler.getContextualInstance(NormalScopedBeanInterceptorHandler.java:89) at org.apache.webbeans.intercept.RequestScopedBeanInterceptorHandler.getContextualInstance(RequestScopedBeanInterceptorHandler.java:76) at org.apache.webbeans.intercept.NormalScopedBeanInterceptorHandler.get(NormalScopedBeanInterceptorHandler.java:71) ... While digging, I came across MeecrowaveExtension:getScopes, and while stepping through I'm realizing that the returned optional will always contain null, because - this method is only called in beforeEach, afterEach, therefore context.getElement() will always return a method instance - method instances will never have a MeecrowaveConfig annotation, since that annotation is only allowed for types (MeecrowaveConfig:L35) Overriding the MeecrowaveConfig annotation with a local copy which has the annotation targets {TYPE, METHOD} (instead of TYPE only) allows me to annotate the tested method with @MeecrowaveConfig(scopes = RequestScoped.class), which seems to be the intended behavior. Is this a known bug? Or am I missing something else? best, Waldemar