Hi OpenWhisk developers,

some weeks ago, I started working on some database performance and one item 
affects the whisks-database.
All actions, rules, triggers, packages and activations are stored in this 
database. Because of all the activations, this database becomes really huge 
over time.
To keep the database with the artifacts, created by the users (actions, ...), 
small we had the idea to put all activations into another database. The 

To solve the problem of the migration of existing OpenWhisk deployments, my 
proposal is to make the split configurable with ansible.
PR 2123 (https://github.com/openwhisk/openwhisk/pull/2123) creates this flag. 
By default, the whisks database will be used to store activations.
After some time, I'll open another PR, that changes the default to use the 
Again, after some time, I'll open a third PR to remove this flag again. By 
default, all activations will go into the activations-db.
The reason for removing this flag again is, that it will be easier to maintain 
only one configuration: the configuration to use two seperate dbs.
And we think, that all owners of OpenWhisk deployments agree that it would be 
good to split configuration data of the user (actions, ...) and logs 
(activations, ...).

If you need to migrate your deployment, it would work with the steps on the 
following document:

Does anyone have any concerns about this change or any comments?

Greetings Christian

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