Hi OpenWhisk team,

as I have written in the mails before, I'd like to remove the possibility to 
save activations in the same database like the actions.
This will be done with the following PR: 

I suggest to merge this PR by the end of the week.

If you have not yet set the variable "db_split_actions_and_activations" to 
true, you have to migrate your database, before the flag is removed.
If you have an development environment, where you can loose all your data, you 
can use the wipe.yml ansible-playbook. If you want to keep all your data and 
just split the databases, you can use the following migration instructions: 

If you need more time or have any concerns just answer to this mail. Otherwise 
the PR will be merged by the end of the week.

Greeting Christian

April 27, 2017 1:31 PM, apa...@cbickel.de wrote:

> Hi OpenWhisk developers,
> there are again some news on separating the activations into a new database.
> The next Pull request (https://github.com/openwhisk/openwhisk/pull/2134) will 
> be merged soon. After
> this Pull request is merged, the flag (db_split_actions_and_activations) to 
> enable or disable the
> separation of the activations is required to deploy OpenWhisk.
> It has to be set in your environemnts group_vars/all file.
> Additionally, this PR will change the default of the 3 environments (local, 
> mac, distributed) to
> use the additional activations database for all activations.
> If you want to have new activations still in your whisks database, just set 
> this flag to "false" in
> your environment. But keep in mind, that the ability to use the whisks 
> database for activations
> will go away soon.
> If you want to keep all activations and want to keep them accessible for the 
> users of your
> deployment, you have to migrate the activations into the new activations 
> database. The steps to do
> this are described in: 
> https://gist.github.com/cbickel/37e651965781b27de245eac0ce831a53
> If it is okay for your environment to loose all data stored in the database, 
> the databases will be
> regenerated with the right structure with the "wipe.yml" playbook.
> My next PR will remove the ability to use the whisks database for activations.
> Greetings
> Christian
> April 16, 2017 1:17 AM, "Rodric Rabbah" <rod...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I've seen a proposal and initial prototype from Jeremias which tees logs to 
>> an external drain. The
>> idea is to make this plugable in the way you might be thinking but I'll let 
>> him share the details
>> and thoughts and you can evaluate and we can iterate.
>> I don't think we want to give up the concurrent draining of logs to Couch 
>> where they are available
>> nearly instantaneously as part of the core system. This is superior to other 
>> systems including
>> Lambda for example (a common complaint is that logs take a long time to be 
>> available). I view this
>> as essential to a fast debug cycle while developing.
>> That said, it is clear that we need to drain logs to a system that will 
>> allow more general
>> indexing, searching, measuring, and analyzing logs - and in past two weeks 
>> this has come up
>> repeatedly in our public slack channel. This in my view should be done as a 
>> plugable external layer
>> rather than part of the core API. This isn't to say the core API can't 
>> provide some more views that
>> can be generally useful.
>> -r
> On Apr 14, 2017, at 7:55 PM, Michael Marth <mma...@adobe.com> wrote:
> Hi Christian,
> Sorry to chime in late - I was out.
> Recently, I had also been thinking about splitting more static configure data 
> (like the action)
> from highly transactional data like the activations. My reason was, however, 
> to have an easier way
> forward to multi-datacenter deployments.
> Regardless of the motivation for the split into activation-db and "static-db" 
> I would like to make
> this comment:
> Now, that we split out the activation-db into its own separate API we should 
> take the opportunity
> to design this API (interface) that truly allows pluggable implementations. I 
> am particularly
> interested in an Elastic Search impl for the activation-db (as I believe that 
> ES lends itself well
> to activations-workloads). There might be other interesting impls. Point 
> being: let's iterate a bit
> over the interface to make sure it can be implemented in non-CouchDB 
> deployments. I am convinced
> this will be helpful in the future in order to evolve OW.
> In the light of the above it would be useful to design the activation-db 
> interface with a mindset
> that does not assume that activation-db and static-db are the same physical 
> storage or even the
> same storage technology. Mentioning this to avoid assumptions about 
> ID-semantics, joins, etc.
> Wdyt?
> Michael
> Sent from a mobile device
> _____________________________
> From: apa...@cbickel.de<mailto:apa...@cbickel.de>
> Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2017 1:37 PM
> Subject: Re: Save activations in a new activations DB
> To: <dev@openwhisk.apache.org<mailto:dev@openwhisk.apache.org>>
> Hi OpenWhisk developers,
> the first Pull Request I mentioned in the last mail
> (https://github.com/openwhisk/openwhisk/pull/2123) is merged now.
> If you use one of the three environments in open, the default will still be, 
> that activations are
> saved in the whisks-db. But now you can set that flag to true.
> The next Pull request is opened now: 
> https://github.com/openwhisk/openwhisk/pull/2134
> It sets the default of the three environments to use the activations-db. It 
> also requires this
> variable in your environment. It still can be set to true or false.
> If you have some OpenWhisk deployments, I'd suggest to set the variable to 
> false, do your migration
> and set it to true afterwards.
> The migration is described here: 
> https://gist.github.com/cbickel/37e651965781b27de245eac0ce831a53
> My next, and last, PR will be to remove the ability to use that flag.
> If you have any problems with your migration or concerns just reach out to me.
> Greetings Christian
> April 10, 2017 2:56 PM, apa...@cbickel.de<mailto:apa...@cbickel.de> wrote:
>> Hi OpenWhisk developers,
>> some weeks ago, I started working on some database performance and one item 
>> affects the
>> whisks-database.
>> All actions, rules, triggers, packages and activations are stored in this 
>> database. Because of all
>> the activations, this database becomes really huge over time.
>> To keep the database with the artifacts, created by the users (actions, 
>> ...), small we had the idea
>> to put all activations into another database. The activations-db.
>> To solve the problem of the migration of existing OpenWhisk deployments, my 
>> proposal is to make the
>> split configurable with ansible.
>> PR 2123 (https://github.com/openwhisk/openwhisk/pull/2123) creates this 
>> flag. By default, the
>> whisks database will be used to store activations.
>> After some time, I'll open another PR, that changes the default to use the 
>> activations-db.
>> Again, after some time, I'll open a third PR to remove this flag again. By 
>> default, all activations
>> will go into the activations-db.
>> The reason for removing this flag again is, that it will be easier to 
>> maintain only one
>> configuration: the configuration to use two seperate dbs.
>> And we think, that all owners of OpenWhisk deployments agree that it would 
>> be good to split
>> configuration data of the user (actions, ...) and logs (activations, ...).
>> If you need to migrate your deployment, it would work with the steps on the 
>> following document:
>> https://gist.github.com/cbickel/37e651965781b27de245eac0ce831a53
>> (https://gist.github.com/cbickel/37e651965781b27de245eac0ce831a53)
>> Does anyone have any concerns about this change or any comments?
>> Greetings Christian

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