Hi Dave,

I agree! I'll start another thread on a discussion of how/where we
prototype things to hash out some of the unknowns.


Am Do., 23. Aug. 2018 um 22:05 Uhr schrieb David P Grove <gro...@us.ibm.com

> Related to the random vs. smart routing discussion.
> A key unknown that influences the design is how much load we can drive
> through a single ContainerRouter.
>         + If they are highly scalable (500 to 1000 containers per router),
> then even a fairly large OpenWhisk deployment could be running with a
> handful of ContainerRouters (and smart routing is quite viable).
>         + If they are less scalable (10s to 100 containers per router) then
> large deployments will be running with 50+ ContinaerRouters and smart
> routing degrades to random routing in terms of container reuse for our long
> tail workloads.
> --dave

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