Casing is always domain-specific... so if Mixed case is the convention for 
.NET/C# then as long as it includes "Apache.OpenWhisk" (fully qual. name) 
in the path then it looks good to me as well.

Kind regards,

From:   Rodric Rabbah <>
Date:   11/27/2018 11:03 AM
Subject:        Re: Change the package name into org.apache.openwhisk for 
openwhisk modules

Thanks Shawn for following up. This makes sense to me.

We’ll need to add some travis integration into the repo to run the tests, 
and push the image to dockerhub.
Then we can open a PR against Openwhisk to add the new runtime to the 
manifest and update some docs.


> On Nov 27, 2018, at 11:53 AM, Shawn Black <> 
> All,
> Sorry for the long delay in response to this, but I just wanted to 
follow up.
> For the .NET runtime, is Apache.OpenWhisk an acceptable namespace 
(similar to a package name in the JVM world)?
> While .NET namespaces are similar to Java packages in terms of purpose, 
they differ in one area -- .NET namespaces lack a TLD (so no 
.org/.net/.com, etc.).
> Including TLDs in .NET namespaces is rarely done in active development 
and I think you would be hard pressed to find any (major) actively 
developed projects using one.
> Thanks!!Shawn
>    On Wednesday, October 17, 2018, 3:53:38 AM CDT, Bertrand Delacretaz 
<> wrote: 
> Hi,
> On Tue, Oct 16, 2018 at 4:49 PM Vincent S Hou <> wrote:
>> ...In order to make OpenWhisk a real member of Apache, we need to make 
a overhaul for the package name existing in all openwhisk projects....
> Thank you for driving this!
> Someone asked me off-list about the .NET code that's part of
> OpenWhisk, whether packages also need to be renamed.
> As there's not much .NET code at Apache I don't think we have clear
> guidelines, but I think it's good to express that the code belongs to
> "Apache OpenWhisk" one way or another. The idea is to clearly
> differentiate between code that's from Apache or not, and also to
> strengthen the Apache OpenWhisk brand, so I think if it's practical
> it's good to change package names there as well.
> -Bertrand

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