Matt, all,

Strongly agree.
My understanding is that moving from ASF incubator to TLP is not (at all) a 
statement about the technology but a statement about the community, its 
diversity (in terms of stakeholders) and ability to carry forward the project. 
I agree with everyone on this thread that OpenWhisk has proven to have achieved 
that mile stone

(but it does not hurt the cause to say that the technology runs in production 
and is solid....)


On 19.03.19, 16:56, "Matt Rutkowski" <> wrote:

    Thanks Dave for raising graduation as a topic.  
    To be clear... +1 (with stars) from me on moving to graduate...
    It is my belief that this project has reached a maturity level, with 
credits to its devoted community, over the last 2 plus years to graduate.  It 
has been no small task to bring under Apache compliance the numerous repos. 
this project manages and to deal with the ever-changing landscape of Serverless 
and remain relevant as new technologies and projects continue to enter this 
    IMO, no other Serverless project offers a complete open source FaaS 
platform solution that supports such a wide array of deployment choices, 
runtimes, tooling (and I could go on and on) while striving to enable choice 
for via documented plug-in points for common platform integrations such as 
logging, metrics and test tooling, but also, for very complex topics such as 
load balancing, scheduling and container pooling.
    This project is has matured to a point, where it should be noted, that we 
are aware it is used in several public production offerings as a Serverless 
platform directly or as the backing for FaaS integrations (such as for API 
management or web hosting). 
    If you cannot tell, I am all for moving towards graduation and (prompted 
seeing this thread appear yesterday) have cleared my day to complete filling 
out the maturity model matrix on our CWIKI (see 
to the best of my abilities and will be asking for comment/review/edits on a 
separate thread once I complete my draft pass.
    In truth, over the course of the last 2 years, I have have truly witnessed 
the community itself become a welcoming family that cares first and foremost 
about the code and improving and enabling it for its user base while 
establishing friendships that transcend other affiliations.
    On 2019/03/15 22:06:38, "David P Grove" <> wrote: 
    > I'd like to kick off a discussion to assess the project's readiness for
    > graduation from the incubator.
    > Per Rodric's recent stats [1], the community has developed nicely in terms
    > of code contribution.
    > We've released a number of software components following the Apache 
    > process.  We are in the midst of making our first "uber-release" across 
    > of our sub-components (expect at least 2 voting threads next week).
    > Overall I think the community is active.  Communication on the project
    > slack is frequent (avg of >160 messages a day) and is now digested daily 
    > the dev list. (See [2] for stats).
    > There are a couple procedural tasks we still need to complete, foremost
    > being the formal transfer of the OpenWhisk trademarks from IBM to the ASF.
    > But I think we can assume that these tasks will be completed and start
    > considering graduation in parallel.
    > Please share your thoughts,
    > --dave
    > [1]
    > [2]

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