Yes, feel free to have a look at

I'm not very in favor of having a commingled non-linear history that
makes git bisect difficult. We will have to discuss on the Arrow ML

Here's an example from Apache Spark where a similar merge took place

It would be my preference to have a single squashed commit whose
message attributes the developers of the code and provides links back
to the original commit history in the commit message

- Wes

On Tue, Aug 21, 2018 at 9:52 AM, Uwe L. Korn <> wrote:
> I have a very strong preference to keep the git history. I will have a look 
> tomorrow to find the correct git magic to get a linear history. For me a 
> single merge commit would be ok but I'm fine to spend an additional hour on 
> this if you care strongly about linear history.
> Uwe
> On Sun, Aug 19, 2018, at 7:36 PM, Wes McKinney wrote:
>> OK. I'm a bit -0 on doing anything that results in Arrow having a
>> nonlinear git history (and rebasing is not really an option) but we
>> can discuss that more later
>> On Sun, Aug 19, 2018 at 8:50 AM, Uwe L. Korn <> wrote:
>> > +1 on this but also see my comments in the mail on the discussions.
>> >
>> > We should also keep the git history of parquet-cpp, that should not be 
>> > hard with git and there is probably a StackOverflow answer out there that 
>> > gives you the commands to do the merge.
>> >
>> > Uwe
>> >
>> > On Fri, Aug 17, 2018, at 12:57 AM, Wes McKinney wrote:
>> >> In case any are interested: my estimate of the work involved in the
>> >> migration to be about a full day of total work, possibly less. As soon
>> >> as the migration plan is decided upon I intend to execute ASAP so that
>> >> ongoing development efforts are not disrupted.
>> >>
>> >> Additionally, in flight patches do not all need to be merged. Patches
>> >> can be easily edited to apply against the modified repository
>> >> structure
>> >>
>> >> On Wed, Aug 15, 2018 at 6:04 PM, Wes McKinney <> wrote:
>> >> > hi all,
>> >> >
>> >> > As discussed on the mailing list [1] I am proposing to undertake a
>> >> > restructuring of the development process for parquet-cpp and its
>> >> > consumption in the Arrow ecosystem to benefit the developers and users
>> >> > of both communities.
>> >> >
>> >> > The specific actions we would take would be:
>> >> >
>> >> > 1) Move the source code currently located at src/ in the
>> >> > apache/parquet-cpp repository [2] to the cpp/src/ directory located in
>> >> > apache/arrow [3]
>> >> >
>> >> > 2) The parquet code tree would remain separate from the Arrow code
>> >> > tree, though the two projects will continue to share code as they do
>> >> > now
>> >> >
>> >> > 3) The build system in apache/parquet-cpp would be effectively
>> >> > deprecated and can be mostly discarded, as it is largely redundant and
>> >> > duplicated from the build system in apache/arrow
>> >> >
>> >> > 4) The Parquet and Arrow C++ communities will collaborate to provide
>> >> > development workflows to enable contributors working exclusively on
>> >> > the Parquet core functionality to be able to work unencumbered with
>> >> > unnecessary build or test dependencies from the rest of the Arrow
>> >> > codebase. Note that parquet-cpp already builds a significant portion
>> >> > of Apache Arrow en route to creating its libraries
>> >> >
>> >> > 5) The Parquet community can create scripts to "cut" Parquet C++
>> >> > releases by packaging up the appropriate components and ensuring that
>> >> > they can be built and installed independently as now
>> >> >
>> >> > 6) The CI processes would be merged -- since we already build the
>> >> > Parquet libraries in Arrow's CI workflow, this would amount to
>> >> > building the Parquet unit tests and running them.
>> >> >
>> >> > 7) Patches contributed that do not involve Arrow-related functionality
>> >> > could use the PARQUET-XXXX marking, though some ARROW-XXXX patches may
>> >> > span both codebases
>> >> >
>> >> > 8) Parquet C++ committers can be given push rights on apache/arrow
>> >> > subject to ongoing good citizenry (e.g. not merging patches that break
>> >> > builds). The Arrow PMC may need to vote on the procedure for offering
>> >> > pass-through commit rights to anyone who has been invited to be a
>> >> > committer for Apache Parquet
>> >> >
>> >> > 9) The contributors who work on both Arrow and Parquet will work in
>> >> > good faith to ensure that that needs of Parquet-only developers (i.e.
>> >> > who consume Parquet files in some way unrelated to the Arrow columnar
>> >> > standard) are accommodated
>> >> >
>> >> > There are a number of particular details we will need to discuss
>> >> > further (such as the specific logistics of the codebase surgery; e.g.
>> >> > how to manage the commit history in apache/parquet-cpp -- do we care
>> >> > about git blame?)
>> >> >
>> >> > This vote is to determine if the Parquet PMC is in favor of working in
>> >> > good faith to execute on the above plan. I will inquire with the Arrow
>> >> > PMC to see if we need to have a corresponding vote there, and also how
>> >> > to handle the management of commit rights.
>> >> >
>> >> > [ ] +1: In favor of implementing the proposed monorepo plan
>> >> > [ ] +0: . . .
>> >> > [ ] -1: Not in favor because . . .
>> >> >
>> >> > Here is my vote: +1.
>> >> >
>> >> > Thank you,
>> >> > Wes
>> >> >
>> >> > [1]: 
>> >> >
>> >> > [2]:
>> >> > [3]:

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