would be happy to handle that

Maruan Sahyoun

Am 26.03.2013 um 22:35 schrieb Andreas Lehmkuehler <andr...@lehmi.de>:

> Hi,
> Am 26.03.2013 17:00, schrieb Maruan Sahyoun:
>> well - the navigation is similar also hidden behind drop downs on ode
> > compared to cloudstack. Both are using the same css framework [1] and the
> > navigation can even be combined - that should give us enough freedom (and
> > is an implementation detail). Both seem to be using the  Apache CMS [2].
> I guess we all know that we have to overhaul the content itself. :-)
> But first of all we have to decide how to manage the content. We have to use
> either svnpubsub or the Apache CMS [1], the latter is recommended. IMHO
> we should use the CMS [2] as it would be more flexible and it is easier to
> maintain the content.
> As a good starting point I've changed the maven skin of our site to the
> bootstrap like fluendo skin [3]. Maybe it is a good idea to fresh up the 
> layout
> a little bit in preparation of a possible transition to the CMS.
> WDYT and the more interesting question any volunteer to handle the transition?
> BR
> Andreas Lehmkühler
> [1] http://www.apache.org/dev/project-site.html
> [2] http://www.apache.org/dev/cmsref.html
> [3] http://people.apache.org/~lehmi/pdfbox_fluendo/index.html
>> Maruan Sahyoun
>> [1] http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/
>> [2] 
>> https://svn.apache.org/repos/infra/websites/cms/webgui/content/export.json
>> Am 26.03.2013 um 15:22 schrieb Timo Boehme <timo.boe...@ontochem.com>:
>>> Hi,
>>> an update to the website with a cleaner grouping of content etc. would help 
>>> to attract people. While 'ode' and 'cordova' are visually nice I would like 
>>> to keep more navigation possibilities at the start page like in 
>>> 'cloudstack'.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Timo
>>> Am 26.03.2013 14:03, schrieb Maruan Sahyoun:
>>>> Hi there,
>>>> what do you think about giving the PDFBox website an overhaul similar to
>>>> http://cloudstack.apache.org/
>>>> http://ode.apache.org/index.html
>>>> http://cordova.apache.org
>>>> with a more prominent user guide such as http://ode.apache.org/userguide/
>>>> and a cleaner architecture description (together with main classes) for 
>>>> developers
>>>> to support a faster intro into pdfbox
>>>> Kind regards
>>>> Maruan Sahyoun
>>> --
>>> Timo Boehme
>>> OntoChem GmbH
>>> H.-Damerow-Str. 4
>>> 06120 Halle/Saale
>>> T: +49 345 4780474
>>> F: +49 345 4780471
>>> timo.boe...@ontochem.com
>>> _____________________________________________________________________
>>> OntoChem GmbH
>>> Geschäftsführer: Dr. Lutz Weber
>>> Sitz: Halle / Saale
>>> Registergericht: Stendal
>>> Registernummer: HRB 215461
>>> _____________________________________________________________________

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