
Am 04.04.2013 16:41, schrieb Maruan Sahyoun:
Hi Andreas,

it's related to PDFBOX-1551 as you already guessed. In addition PDF-1556 is 
related to PDFBOX-1551. I linked them in Jira.

I ran a quick test. As suggested I simply load and save a pdf and got 2
different results:

- cweb.pdf (from our testsuite) works fine
- one of the pdfs attached to PDFBOX-1551 fails (the trailer is missing)

The reason is the trailer. The first pdf uses a xref table the second a xref
xstream. After saving the second the trailer is missing. The regression was
introduced with PDFBOX-1513.

I'm still investigating the details ... any help is appreciated.

Andreas Lehmkühler

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