Hallo Tilman,

hast Du ne grobe Schätzung welcher Anteil der Dateien z.B. in Adobe Reader 
entweder nicht angezeigt, mit Dialog angezeigt oder falsch angezeigt wird?

Lieben Gruß
Maruan Sahyoun

FileAffairs GmbH
Josef-Schappe-Straße 21
40882 Ratingen

Tel: +49 (2102) 89497 88
Fax: +49 (2102) 89497 91

Geschäftsführer: Maruan Sahyoun
Handelsregister: AG Düsseldorf, HRB 53837
UST.-ID: DE248275827

Am 05.12.2014 um 20:45 schrieb Tilman Hausherr <thaush...@t-online.de>:

> Some numbers... it took 4-5 days
> total: 231223, failed: 142, percentage failed: 0.06141257472336292
> Of these, one can substract 33 OutOfMemoryErrors that happened near the end 
> of the test. Isolated runs went fine.
> about the rest:
> 18 are the isSymbol stackoverflow
> 9 are the getFontMatrix NPE
> 33 are the "root must be of type Pages" errors
> The rest is mostly related to very broken PDF files.
> Tilman
> Am 04.12.2014 um 14:55 schrieb Maruan Sahyoun:
>> Hi Tilman,
>> that's very good news. I trust a lot of time went into reviewing the test 
>> results. wo your and Tim's efforts this achievement wouldn't have been 
>> possible.
>> BR
>> Maruan
>> Am 03.12.2014 um 21:04 schrieb Tilman Hausherr <thaush...@t-online.de>:
>>> I've now run preflight on half of the govdocs files. Every issue I have 
>>> opened on preflight is related to that test. The failure rate (exceptions 
>>> other than the "allowed" ValidationExceptions) is down from 1% when I 
>>> started to 0.05% now. Most of the frequent exceptions (e.g. the one with 
>>> NonTermimalField) have been fixed. Whats left now are exceptions related to 
>>> messy files, and some of the font related issues.
>>> Tilman
>>> Am 03.11.2014 um 22:58 schrieb Tilman Hausherr:
>>>> Am 03.11.2014 um 19:00 schrieb Tilman Hausherr:
>>>>> It is not looking good, there is at least one NPEs issue coming.
>>>> No more NPE after solving the two issues I opened today except 
>>>> PDFBOX-1743.pdf which is a known problem.
>>>> Coming up soon: run preflight on the 231227 PDF files from digitalcorpora 
>>>> to see what happens.
>>>> Tilman

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