Am 08.01.2015 um 15:54 schrieb Leonard Rosenthol <>:

>> That's the benefit of the current approach that after the deep cloning 
>> the imported page is independent from the source page. 
> And that’s what you (IMO) want to maintain.
> Once you copy the object(s) to the new document they are, in fact, new 
> objects and should be treated that way.  They may still point back to data 
> in the original file (since you don’t need to copy the stream until write 
> time (aka COW model)) but the object itself is now part of the tree of the 
> new document.
> One thing you might want to think about is shallow vs. deep copies.  In 
> many of the other libraries, the CosObjCopy() method (or equivalent 
> thereof) offers the option to copy the full tree/structure or just the top 
> level - this distinction is useful in a variety of operations.  Perhaps 
> that might help here as well.

Hi Leonard,

thank you for your valuable feedback. It's good that you help us to understand 
how others are approaching that.

We already have shallow and deep copies but deep copies being part of a utility 
not directly baked into the COS model. So there is room for improvement. I 
think that's how the thread started - making it easier to work with PDFBox. 



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