On Wed, Sep 29, 2004 at 11:43:27PM -0400, Stas Bekman wrote:
> Joe Schaefer wrote:
> >>>t/api/aplog.t                                  35    1   2.86%  24

I wrote a fix for this one the other day since it was easy.

--- response/TestAPI/aplog.pm   24 Sep 2004 19:55:35 -0000      1.21
+++ response/TestAPI/aplog.pm   28 Sep 2004 12:19:36 -0000
@@ -74,11 +74,16 @@
             qr/: log_serror test 1$/m,
             '$s->log_serror(__FILE__, __LINE__, LOG_DEBUG...)';
+        # the APR_EGENERAL error string changed for APR 1.0
+        my $egeneral = "Error string not specified yet";
+        $egeneral = "Internal error"
+            if need_min_apache_version('2.1.0');
         $s->log_serror(Apache::Log::LOG_MARK, Apache::LOG_DEBUG,
                        APR::EGENERAL, "log_serror test 2");
         ok t_cmp $logdiff->diff,
-            qr/Error string not specified yet: log_serror test 2/,
+            qr/$egeneral: log_serror test 2/,
             '$s->log_serror(LOG_MARK, LOG_DEBUG, APR::EGENERAL...)';

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