The projects current state is that no new development happening. This isn't to say that new development shouldn't happen, but it isn't. Apache and Perl both continue to move forward, and we are pretty lucky that the design that Stas, Phillipe, Geoff, etc built mod_perl 2 under is resilient enough to continue to despite the changes that both of these projects have made.

So, if the goal of the PMC is to maintain the status quo, then there is essentially no time required, aside from someone needing to file a report every few months saying that nothing has happened, and there were no releases. Things can only remain that way as long as there are no security problems that affect mod_perl, and neither Apache or Perl do anything that really breaks mod_perl.


On 3/17/2021 6:10 PM, Geoff Mottram wrote:

I would certainly hate to see mod_perl no longer being maintained. I use it as a front-end for a library cataloging system that is very much alive, in-use and updated with recent HTML, CSS and JavaScript features. Rewriting this front-end in some other language would be a huge undertaking and would not provide much benefit because Apache + Perl + mod_perl not only do the job but do it extremely well.

While I don't understand what type of time commitment would be required, I would be happy to add my name to the bottom of any list should others have a strong desire to hold such a position.


Geoff Mottram

On 3/17/2021 3:40 PM, Sander Striker wrote:
Dear community members,

As projects mature, they will naturally reach a point where activity reduces to a level such that the project is no longer sustainable.  At Apache, projects reach this stage when there are not at least 3 active PMC members providing oversight. Projects that reach this stage are usually placed in the Attic [1] or absorbed by another Apache project willing to manage its releases.

If you are interested in seeing mod_perl remain an active project, and are able to help maintain and provide oversight, please respond in this thread indicating that you are interested in performing the duties of a PMC member[2].


Sander Striker
Director, The Apache Software Foundation

[1] <>
[2] <>

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