Thanks for bringing this up.  I was abt to ask this.  Ya the CP
framework itself and the CP exposed interfaces (Like
RegionServerServices, Region etc) are undergoing a big change for for
HBase 2.0..  I did  a look at some of the usages of the Phoenix
exposed interfaces/classes.  There are some items for fix.   Was
thinking to raise an umbrella issue once we have a plan for the
version based on HBase 2.0


On Thu, Oct 12, 2017 at 3:30 AM, Josh Elser <> wrote:
> Since 4.12.0 is out and we have the concurrent discussions about the 0.98,
> 1.1, and 1.2 HBase branches, do folks have a vision of how we get to HBase
> 2.0.0?
> The lack of chatter is pretty obvious that the Calcite work (the previous
> impetus for Phoenix 5) has slowed. Once we get to an HBase 2.0.0-alpha4,
> coprocessor API should stabilize and give us a point against which we can
> start Phoenix work.
> Should a release of Phoenix that supports HBase 2.0 be worthy of the Phoenix
> 5.0 label, or should we stick to the 4.x numbering? Given the breaking
> changes going into HBase 2.0 and James' previous -1 to shim-layers for 0.98,
> do we see the same for an HBase 2.0 branch or is HBase 1.x/2.x a different
> beast? I can see pros/cons for both sides.
> - Josh

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