Yes, James, There are JIRAs(if not all) which are expected to be ported to
master soon like the JIRAs under but as sometimes we
need a separate patch for HBase 2.0  and 1.x branch, which was delaying the
process of getting 5.x in a compiled state and such delay can lead us in a
loop of re-work as new development ported to this branch may not be well
tested.  so, Plan is to have 5.x compiled and tested first by next week and
then concentrate on porting these changes back to 4.x.

On Wed, Nov 15, 2017 at 10:48 PM, James Taylor <>

> There's a bunch of commits going into 5.x branch (which is great), but I
> don't see those being back ported to our master branch. Would it be
> possible to do that so we can keep the 4.x line in line with 5.x as much as
> possible?

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