Actually I think if you just implement getArgToFuncMapping for COUNT, where
you only return a mapping for a single bag argument, pig will notice that
the wrong number of args is supplied during the compilation phase and no
runtime exceptions will be required.

I haven't checked how well the funcSpec mapping works with Bags, that's
something to experiment with.


On Mon, Mar 7, 2011 at 9:55 PM, deepak kumar v <> wrote:

> Hi Pig Developers,
> This is my first dive into open source contribution and i hope to dive
> deep.
> I was going through and
> observed the following with
> COUNT.exec() always retrieves the first item from input tuple which it
> assumes is a bag and counts the numbers of items in the bag.
> Even if we pass multiple arguments to COUNT(), it will always pick the
> first
> argument.
> There are few ways we go through this
> a) Leave as is cause it returns correct result for counting the number of
> items in the first argument.
> OR
> b) Make a check for the size of the input tuple in COUNT.exec() and if it
> is
> not 1 then throw ExecException()  or IllegalArgumentException {might be
> correct}
> which will cause the Map job to fail.
> Let me know how to we go about it.
> Regards,
> Deepak

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