
I have been away from my desk for the last 2 days, so apologies for
the delay, but this is the first chance I have had to reply.

Firstly, I want to clarify that my desire for functionality is the
driver here, and that I have no special attachment to the specifics of
the proposal.  Any other simple method to achieve the same things
would be welcomed with open arms.

Replies/questions in-line.

On 5 July 2011 21:59, Greg Brown <> wrote:
>> You mention concerns, but do you see any value in i?  Whether in my examples 
>> or in other areas?
> If the same thing can be accomplished via existing means (which, based on 
> your examples, seems possible), then I don't personally see a strong case for 
> it.

Unless I am missing something, at least some of the provided examples
*cannot* be accomplished via existing means (whether by design or
otherwise).  Please correct me if I am mistaken, as I can think of
valid uses for all of the following, but don't know how to achieve any
with BXML.

- Instantiating a final class with no public no-arg constructor
(UnfriendlyPOJO example)
- Instantiating an immutable object (essentially the same as above)
- Instantiating objects via a 'Builder' style pattern (similar to the above)
- Retrieving objects via a factory (similar to previous items)

- Ability to return a different class to the one that would otherwise
be instantiated (see the PasswordInput & TableBuilder examples)
(This is similar to the first batch, but stresses a key concept)

- Hiding attribute ordering restrictions from the end user (ListView example)

- Ability to 'create' 0 or >1 objects
See the conditional BXML inclusion example for when returning 0 items
might be useful.
A dynamic GUI creation Transformable example might wish to return
multiple individual Components rather than a single parent Container.

>> The fact that it is a small, backwardly compatible change
> FWIW, I don't see this as a small change.
Obviously I respect your personal opinion on the size of the change,
and know that you have far more experience with BXMLSerializer than I
do.  Is there perhaps some fundamental problem that you can see but I
might be overlooking?

I don't imagine for a second that this is a panacea, but it offers many options.

> I also don't like the inconsistencies it would create (as outlined in my 
> previous email).
What inconsistencies did you mean?  You mentioned the use of a
non-Pivot Collection, but that could clearly be changed to a Pivot one
or simply Object[].

Are you perhaps referring to the intent of the Serializer interface?
And that the result of 'creating' an item in BXML would depend on
whether the element represents a traditional Java bean class or a
Transformable implementation?

>> Because it is such a small change, and limited to BXMLSerializer, it
>> would be easy to just push this into a tiny Apache Extras project as
>> Sandro suggested.
> You can do this of course, but you'd basically be forking the code and 
> opening the door to future incompatibility.
That is a little melodramatic considering it potentially concerns just
a few changes in a single class.
And anyway, is there another option if it doesn't fit or belong with
Pivot proper?


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