Hi all,
we are preparing (finally, after many months) release 2.0.1 ... so
this week I started to do many tests, generating all things from
latest sources (from trunk), BUT yesterday I found a strange thing
with JRE 7:

I generate both war files from latest Pivot sources, and deployed in a
local Tomcat 6.0.30, and then even in 6.0.33 .
Then, from any browser (Firefox 6, Internet Explorer 9 at 32 and at 64
bit) anytime I try to run an Applet (and even a Web Start application
!!) the download of jars start, but never ends ... very strange, and I
don't think related to our code, but to something in the JRE 7.
In the Java Console I have tried even to get the maximum level of
info, raising to level 5, and reloading confgiuration and page, but
the same ...
This is my console log (this is when I try to get things from
localhost, but with the url to my real hostname is the same):

Plugin Java
Uso della versione JRE 1.7.0-b147 Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM
Directory home utente = C:\Users\Sandro
c:   cancella finestra console
f:   finalizza oggetti nella coda di finalizzazione
g:   garbage collection
h:   visualizza questo messaggio della Guida
l:   esegui dump lista classloader
m:   stampa utilizzo memoria
o:   attiva registrazione eventi
q:   nascondi console
r:   ricarica configurazione criteri
s:   esegui dump delle proprietà del sistema e della distribuzione
t:   esegui dump lista thread
v:   esegui dump stack thread
x:   cancella cache classloader
0-5: imposta livello di trace su <n>
basic: Aggiunto listener avanzamento:
basic: Plugin2ClassLoader.addURL parent called for
basic: Plugin2ClassLoader.addURL parent called for
basic: Plugin2ClassLoader.addURL parent called for
basic: Plugin2ClassLoader.addURL parent called for
basic: Plugin2ClassLoader.addURL parent called for
network: Voce cache non trovata [URL:
versione: null]
network: Connessione a
http://localhost:8080/pivot-tutorials/lib/pivot-core-2.0.1.jar con
network: Connessione a http://localhost:8080/ con proxy=DIRECT

seem that something is waiting on the last line ...

In Internet Explorer 9 @ 64 bit, I use the folloqing VM, but the story
is the same ...
Uso della versione JRE 1.7.0-b147 Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM

But loading pages from the local filesystem (for example via dragging
them in a browser) all works, this is the console log:

Plugin Java
Uso della versione JRE 1.7.0-b147 Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM
Directory home utente = C:\Users\Sandro
c:   cancella finestra console
f:   finalizza oggetti nella coda di finalizzazione
g:   garbage collection
h:   visualizza questo messaggio della Guida
l:   esegui dump lista classloader
m:   stampa utilizzo memoria
o:   attiva registrazione eventi
q:   nascondi console
r:   ricarica configurazione criteri
s:   esegui dump delle proprietà del sistema e della distribuzione
t:   esegui dump lista thread
v:   esegui dump stack thread
x:   cancella cache classloader
0-5: imposta livello di trace su <n>
basic: Starting applet teardown
basic: Finished applet teardown
basic: Rimosso listener avanzamento:
basic: Aggiunto listener avanzamento:
basic: Plugin2ClassLoader.addURL parent called for
basic: Plugin2ClassLoader.addURL parent called for
basic: Plugin2ClassLoader.addURL parent called for
basic: Plugin2ClassLoader.addURL parent called for
basic: Plugin2ClassLoader.addURL parent called for
network: Voce cache non trovata [URL:
versione: null]
network: Voce cache non trovata [URL:
versione: null]
network: Voce cache non trovata [URL:
versione: null]
network: Voce cache non trovata [URL:
versione: null]
basic: Applet caricata.
basic: Applet resized and added to parent container
basic: PERF: AppletExecutionRunnable - applet.init() BEGIN ; jvmLaunch
dt 157690 us, pluginInit dt 15592615 us, TotalTime: 15750305 us
basic: Applet initialized
basic: Starting applet
basic: completed perf rollup
network: Voce cache non trovata [URL:
versione: null]
network: Voce cache non trovata [URL:
versione: null]
network: Voce cache non trovata [URL:
versione: null]
network: Voce cache non trovata [URL:
versione: null]
network: Voce cache non trovata [URL:
versione: null]
basic: Applet made visible
basic: Applet started
basic: Told clients applet is started

It seem really something related to network and/or http ...

Last , tried to copy unpacked files even in a Apache http server
2.2.x, and tried to get all from it, via http ... same results.

But to make things more complex, some Applets on Internet were
successfully loaded and running on my system (like the Test on
java.com, some applet from "The java Tutorial", and even sono of our
demos and tutorials applets on http://pivot.apache.org/ ).

My primary development system, has Windows 7 at 64 bit, with installed
latest JDK 6 Update 26 at 64 bit, JRE 6 U 26 at 64 bit, and Java 6 U
26 at 32 bit.
Then I installed even JDK 7 at 64 bit, JRE 7 at 64 bit, and JRE 7 at
32 bit ... just to have everything installed, and in the same order.
So I can test anything in 64 bit environment and in 32 environment.

This evening I tried from some VM (getting files via http, from the
external host, the Windows 7 at 64 bit seen before) but with Windows 7
at 32 bit and Win XP at 32 bit, and all here works good ... and here
installed I have JRE 6 U 27 and JRE 7, both at 32 bit of course.

And in other platforms, someone has tried ?

If someone have ideas ... or is someone is able to try, so we can see
if it's a common behavior.
Today I looked in Oracle (bugs , forums, etc) but I found nothing like this.

If it's a real JRE bug I'll open as soon as possible a ticket in
Oracle, but I hope to not be the only to have this strange thing ...
or if yes better (=no common bug :-) ).


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