On 8 September 2011 21:36, Greg Brown <gk_br...@verizon.net> wrote:
>> I have only scanned this thread quickly and haven't examined the code,
>> but couldn't the SVG stuff be moved into a separate JAR as Sandro
>> suggested, after modifying the relevant
>> BXMLSerializer/Image/Drawing/whatever classes to find the SVG jar via
>> Pivot/Java service loaders?
> The actual SVG stuff is already in a separate JAR (svgSalamander-tiny.jar), 
> which isn't included with the distribution. The only Pivot class that has a 
> dependency on it is Drawing, but if an app doesn't use the Drawing class, 
> then the SVG Salamander classes aren't loaded. So there's no need to use a 
> service provider - the JVM already takes care of that.

I just looked at the source of the Drawing class and see that it is
*ONLY* used for SVGs.  The name suggested a much more generic class.
Drawing has a dependency on the SVG classes, and then Image references
it, and Image is referenced in a lot of places.

I meant using a service loader to find a service (Image implementation
provider) that could handle SVGs and return an Image.
org.apache.pivot.wtk.media.Image.LoadTask.execute() currently
instantiates a new Drawing if the extension is 'svg'.
That extension could be the basis of a service lookup, which would
find the service that might use Drawing (or any other SVG 'provider').
i.e. Don't hard code a reference to the Drawing class into Image.

Support for additional Image formats could easily be added by dropping
more 'image provider services' jars into the classpath.

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