For the default mode "MULTI" why not support the combination of CTRL +
SHIFT together
... For example if I have a 100 rows TableView and I want to select rows 10
-> 30 and  60 -> 90 normally I can do that:
  1 - click on 10
  2 - SHIFT + click 30
  3 - CTRL + click on 60
  4 CTRL + SHIFT + click on 90

in the current implementation it does not handle the CTRL + SHIFT and the
sequence I gave, give a selection of rows 10 -> 90 (needless to manage it
like that becaufe if i want to select rows 10 -> 90 i can do it simply by
two actions: click on 10 and SHIFT + click on 90)

in my implementation of multicells I considered the CTRL + SHIFT, it gives more
possibilities to the user

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