Okay, I've looked over the tutorials one more time and the Suggestion
Popups [1] seem to be what I'm looking for. But it would still be nice if I
could get a list for the user.

I'm using Eclipse IDE for development. Is there any plugin that will allow
me to edit BXML files easily, with autocomplete etc?

[1] http://pivot.apache.org/tutorials/suggestion-popups.html

On Fri, Aug 9, 2013 at 7:11 PM, Ajay Bhat <a.ajay.b...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Okay, I've looked over the tutorials one more time and the Suggestion
> Popups [1] seem to be what I'm looking for.
> I'm using Eclipse IDE for development. Is there any plugin that will allow
> me to edit BXML files easily, with autocomplete etc?
> [1] http://pivot.apache.org/tutorials/suggestion-popups.html
> On Fri, Aug 9, 2013 at 12:42 PM, Ajay Bhat <a.ajay.b...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> My project proposal to improve a GUI application using Pivot [2] been
>> accepted as part of the ASF-ICFOSS mentoring programme [1]. I've started
>> the coding work. For the 1st 2 weeks I've thought of implementing the
>> Analyzer Tool as shown [3].
>> I've created a rough outline of the container according to the
>> screenshot. I've a few doubts about it.
>> 1. How do I create the combo box as shown in my diagram? Can I collapse a
>> ListView to 1 element and use the scroll bar (altough this would be highly
>> inconvienent)
>> 2. Is it possible to highlight the text as shown using a different color,
>> like yellow or blue?
>> [1] http://community.apache.org/mentoringprogramme-icfoss-pilot.html
>> [2]
>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/COMDEV/Proposal+for+Apache+Lucene+-+Ajay+Bhat
>> [3] Attachments
>> --
>> Thanks and regards,
>> Ajay Bhat
> --
> Thanks and regards,
> Ajay Bhat

Thanks and regards,
Ajay Bhat

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